View the Research Flower EssencesWe are continually involved in the exciting process of developing new flower, gem, and environmental essences. These new essences are subjected to an ongoing process of research and review to determine which of them are ready to be released to the public as "research essences". The following lists denote those essences that have been released, but are still in the early stages of their research and development.

These lists are based on years of attunement and preliminary feedback from practitioners and clients who are using these essences in a variety of therapeutic situations around the world.

Research Flower Essences

Flower EssencesThe plant kingdom occupies the central role in this co-creative relationship, bringing the gift of spiritual consciousness to the earth. Essences made from flowers awaken dormant qualities of consciousness within us and stimulate the release of blockages that prevent us from fully integrating this higher consciousness into our daily lives.

» View the Research Flower Essences


Note: These essences are not intended to replace important and/or vital medical treatment. No warranties or guarantees, implied or otherwise, are made regarding the use of these essences, and users do so at their own discretion.