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The plant kingdom occupies the central role in this co-creative relationship, bringing the gift of spiritual consciousness to the earth. Essences made from flowers awaken dormant qualities of consciousness within us and stimulate the release of blockages that prevent us from fully integrating this higher consciousness into our daily lives.

Lace Flower - Tiarella trifoliata

Lace FlowerIndications: lack of awareness, acceptance or appreciation of our own natural beauty and intrinsic value; feeling insignificant; unsure of how our personal or professional contributions fit into the whole. 
Healing Qualities: strengthens self-acceptance and our sense of self-worth; promotes the realization of how each person's unique contribution enriches the whole.

Individual Bottle: $22.00 (7.5ml)
$45.00 (30ml)

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Ladies' Tresses - Spiranthes romanzoffiana

Ladies' TressesIndications: lack of awareness of the connection between our life lessons and our life purpose; difficulty reconnecting with the body after a serious injury or traumatic experience. 
Healing Qualities: promotes deep internal realignment with life purpose through the release of trauma held at the cellular level; helps us reconnect energetically with parts of the body that have been injured or traumatized.

Individual Bottle: $22.00 (7.5ml)
$45.00 (30ml)

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Lady's Slipper - Cypripedium guttatum

Lady's SlipperIndications: lack of sensitivity to the flow of energy in and around the body; resistance to receiving healing energy from others. 
Healing Qualities: regulates circulation in all of the major energy pathways; increases awareness of the flow of subtle energy in and around the body; helps us receive, focus and direct healing energy for ourselves and others.

Individual Bottle: $22.00 (7.5ml)
$45.00 (30ml)

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Lamb's Quarters - Chenopodium album

Lamb's QuartersIndications: perspective limited to what we can understand with the mind; lacking balance and harmony between the mind and heart, the rational and the intuitive.
Healing Qualities: heals separation between the heart and mind; balances the power of the mind with the joy of the heart.

Individual Bottle: $22.00 (7.5ml)
$45.00 (30ml)

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Monkshood - Aconitum delphinifolium

MonkshoodIndications: difficulty being in close physical contact with others; confused sense of spiritual identity; fearful of contacting the shadow self. 
Healing Qualities: provides protection and support for getting in touch with the deepest levels of the inner self; strengthen's our ability to interact with others by fostering a clear recognition of our own divine identity.

Individual Bottle: $22.00 (7.5ml)
$45.00 (30ml)

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Moschatel - Adoxa moschatelina

MoschatelIndications: overly intellectual focus on life; believing that everything must come through struggle; creating without joy. 
Healing Qualities: teaches us how to accomplish more by grounding our mental focus into the earth; helps us learn how to co-create with nature through celebration and play.

Individual Bottle: $22.00 (7.5ml)
$45.00 (30ml)

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Mountain Wormwood - Artemisia tilesii

Mountain WormwoodIndications: unresolved anger and resentment; cannot easily forgive the self or others for past actions regardless of the intent behind them. 
Healing Qualities: stimulates the healing of old wounds and the release of resentment; supports us in surrendering unforgiven areas within ourselves and in our relationships with others.

Individual Bottle: $22.00 (7.5ml)
$45.00 (30ml)

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Northern Lady's Slipper - Cypripedium passerinum

Northern Ladys SlipperIndications: weak body/soul connection; traumatic birth experience; pain and trauma held very deeply in the body. 
Healing Qualities: nurturing energy for the healing of core traumas and wounds that are being held very deeply in the body; helps us allow our beings to be touched and healed by infinite gentleness.

Individual Bottle: $22.00 (7.5ml)
$45.00 (30ml)

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Note: These essences are not intended to replace important and/or vital medical treatment. No warranties or guarantees, implied or otherwise, are made regarding the use of these essences, and users do so at their own discretion. All prices are listed in NZ$ and exclude GST.