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The plant kingdom occupies the central role in this co-creative relationship, bringing the gift of spiritual consciousness to the earth. Essences made from flowers awaken dormant qualities of consciousness within us and stimulate the release of blockages that prevent us from fully integrating this higher consciousness into our daily lives.

Northern Twayblade - Listera borealis

Northern TwaybladeIndications: resistance to opening to the subtle aspects of our own consciousness; unable to integrate our spiritual wisdom and divine nature with our most basic needs. 
Healing Qualities: helps us ground our sensitivity to the subtle realms more fully into our physical body and life experience; helps us enlighten our most basic needs, instincts, and mundane realities with the finest aspects of our spiritual wisdom.

Individual Bottle: $22.00 (7.5ml)
$45.00 (30ml)

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One-Sided Wintergreen - Pyrola secunda

One-Sided WintergreenIndications: dysfunctional energy boundaries; strongly influenced by other people's energy; unaware of how one's energy and actions affect others. 
Healing Qualities: helps sensitive people become aware of how they impact and are impacted by others; teaches us how to work in close proximity with others without losing our center; helps us create functional energy boundaries based on an awareness of our own sensitivities.

Individual Bottle: $22.00 (7.5ml)
$45.00 (30ml)

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Opium Poppy - Papaver sominifera

Opium PoppyIndications: unable to find balance between activity and rest; deep exhaustion; unaware of past accomplishments; difficulty understanding and integrating lessons and experiences. 
Healing Qualities: for finding a balance between doing and being; helps us integrate previous experiences so we may live more fully in the present.

Individual Bottle: $22.00 (7.5ml)
$45.00 (30ml)

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Paper Birch - Betula papyrifera

Paper BirchIndications: confusion or disorientation about the direction life should take; unable to connect with deeper levels of insight regarding life purpose. 
Healing Qualities: encourages a gentle unveiling of the true and essential self that is present within; helps us gain a clearer perspective of our life purpose and how to live it.

Individual Bottle: $22.00 (7.5ml)
$45.00 (30ml)

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Pineapple Weed - Matricaria matricariodes

Pineapple WeedIndications: lack of harmony with our physical environment; unaware of the support and nurturing that is available from nature; weak nurturing bond between mother and child. 
Healing Qualities: helps us maintain a calm awareness of ourselves and our surroundings so that we can remain free from injury and risk; promotes harmony between mothers and children, and between humans and the earth.

Individual Bottle: $22.00 (7.5ml)
$45.00 (30ml)

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Prickly Wild Rose - Rosa acicularis

Prickly Wild RoseIndications: lacking trust and faith; feeling hopeless; apathetic and disinterested in life; unable to keep the heart open when involved in adverse circumstances.
Healing Qualities: helps us remain openhearted when we are faced with conflict and struggle; builds trust; encourages openness and a courageous interest in life.

Individual Bottle: $22.00 (7.5ml)
$45.00 (30ml)

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River Beauty - Epilobium latifolium

River BeautyIndications: emotional devastation; overwhelmed by grief, sadness, or a sense of loss; shock and trauma from emotional or sexual abuse. 
Healing Qualities: an essence of emotional recovery, reorientation and regeneration; helps us start over after emotionally devastating experiences; empowers us to use adverse circumstances as incentive for cleansing and growth.

Individual Bottle: $22.00 (7.5ml)
$45.00 (30ml)

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Round-Leaved Sundew - Drosera rotundifolia

Round-Leaved SundewIndications: attachment to the known; fearful of the unknown; would rather struggle than change; over-identification with the ego; lack of communication between the lower and higher self. 
Healing Qualities: for surrendering attachment to the known and letting go of resistance to the unknown; helps us bring the strength of the ego into alignment with divine will.

Individual Bottle: $22.00 (7.5ml)
$45.00 (30ml)

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Note: These essences are not intended to replace important and/or vital medical treatment. No warranties or guarantees, implied or otherwise, are made regarding the use of these essences, and users do so at their own discretion. All prices are listed in NZ$ and exclude GST.