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We are continually involved in the exciting process of developing new flower, gem, and environmental essences. These new essences are subjected to an ongoing process of research and review to determine which of them are ready to be released to the public as "research essences". The following lists denote those essences that have been released, but are still in the early stages of their research and development.

Crowberry - Empetrum nigrum

CrowberryStimulates awareness of cycles of light and darkness, internally and externally; enables us to hold these variations with respect and gratitude, rather than with attachment or aversion.

Individual Bottle: $22.00 (7.5ml)
$45.00 (30ml)
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Crystal Saxifrage - Saxifraga escholtzii

Crystal SaxifrageExpands awareness of and lends energy to the process of personal transformation; helps us blend the creative power of thought, intuition, and Divine Will within the heart to accelerate our healing process.

Individual Bottle: $22.00 (7.5ml)
$45.00 (30ml)
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Devil's Club - Echinopanax horridum

Devil's ClubClears ambivalence about being present on the Earth and in our bodies; helps us express our truth firmly and clearly from the heart.

Individual Bottle: $22.00 (7.5ml)
$45.00 (30ml)
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Dwarf Fireweed - Epilobium adenocaulon

Dwarf FireweedFor the transformation of unresolved issues that are held at the core of our beings; helps us release pain and trauma from the past.

Individual Bottle: $22.00 (7.5ml)
$45.00 (30ml)
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Enchanter's Nightshade - Circaea alpina

Enchanter's NightshadeBrings balance between the polarities of light and shadow, expansion and contraction; heals the imbalance that is created by too much exposure to the light; helps one find peace, protection, safety, and security in the shadow through the release of fear; for moving from isolation and separation to connection and union with all life; helps us release the magic of our potential.

Individual Bottle: $22.00 (7.5ml)
$45.00 (30ml)
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Fairy Slipper - Calypso bulbosa

Provides support for standing in our power and beauty, and for protecting our unique individuality in a clear way; helps us manifest our spirtual wisdom through our physical bodies; strengthens the male principle in men and women; promotes clear communication through alignment with Earth and spirit.

Individual Bottle: $22.00 (7.5ml)
$45.00 (30ml)
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False Hellebore -  Veratrum eschscholtzii

False HelleborePromotes the release of false concepts; catalyzes movement from the old to the new; helps us face our deepest, darkest fears.

Individual Bottle: $22.00 (7.5ml)
$45.00 (30ml)
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Goatsbeard - Aruncus sylvester

GoatsbeardKnowing joy through optimism; helps us shift our focus to the positive; supports the creation and manifestation of positive reality by focusing our intention to bring the soul's light and energy into the body; helps those who are highly energized on the mental level to ground and focus that creative energy into physical manifestation.

Individual Bottle: $22.00 (7.5ml)
$45.00 (30ml)
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* Wholesale prices are available to retailers. Please contact us at to discuss this.

Note: These essences are not intended to replace important and/or vital medical treatment. No warranties or guarantees, implied or otherwise, are made regarding the use of these essences, and users do so at their own discretion. All prices are listed in NZ$ and exclude GST.