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We are continually involved in the exciting process of developing new flower, gem, and environmental essences. These new essences are subjected to an ongoing process of research and review to determine which of them are ready to be released to the public as "research essences". The following lists denote those essences that have been released, but are still in the early stages of their research and development.

Ladies' Mantle - Alchemillia vulgaris

Ladies' MantleProtection around our relationship to the sacred feminine; heals the feminine connection between sensuality, creativity and divinity; assists men in balancing their relationship with the mother, the inner child, and with feminine power in themselves and in others; promotes the release of sadness and despair held in the lower chakras.

Individual Bottle: $22.00 (7.5ml)
$45.00 (30ml)
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Lapland Rosebay - Rhododendron lapponicum

Lapland RosebayPenetrating insight into the self and all of nature; seeing without distortion; brings a person back to their senses when they have been looking outside of themselves for answers; reminds us to look within for wisdom, knowledge, perspective, and direction.

Individual Bottle: $22.00 (7.5ml)
$45.00 (30ml)
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Lavender Yarrow - Achillea borealis

Lavender YarrowBalances the flow of spiritual energy to the heart; heals the depletion that results from dissipated heart forces or a chaotic influx of energy through the crown chakra.

Individual Bottle: $22.00 (7.5ml)
$45.00 (30ml)
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Lilac - Syringa vulgaris

LilacAligns the chakras so that they can more fully receive and embody Light; helps us gracefully raise the frequency of our energy fields.

Individual Bottle: $22.00 (7.5ml)
$45.00 (30ml)
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Nootka Lupine - Lupinus nootkatensis

Nootka LupineHelps us confront and address deep karmic issues that surface repeatedly for resolution; shows where our awareness needs to be focused in order to make the change.

Individual Bottle: $22.00 (7.5ml)
$45.00 (30ml)
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Northern Coral Root - Corallorhiza trifida

Helps us to transmute toxic and distorted emotions, thought forms, and energies back into Light; helps us become more aware and respectful of our symbiotic relationship with the Earth; supports us in receiving what we need through co-creative association and connectedness.

Individual Bottle: $22.00 (7.5ml)
$45.00 (30ml)
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Pale Corydalis - Corydalis sempervirens

Pale CorydalisBalances addictive and conditional patterns of loving; helps us see our relationships as catalysts for spiritual growth.

Individual Bottle: $22.00 (7.5ml)
$45.00 (30ml)
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Pink-Purple Poppy - Papaver somniferum

Pink-Purple PoppyPurity in form; helps us embody and project Universal Love through the heart; warming, soothing, and strengthening for the heart; helps us return to an openhearted state after a loss has occurred and we are feeling lonely and isolated.

Individual Bottle: $22.00 (7.5ml)
$45.00 (30ml)
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* Wholesale prices are available to retailers. Please contact us at to discuss this.

Note: These essences are not intended to replace important and/or vital medical treatment. No warranties or guarantees, implied or otherwise, are made regarding the use of these essences, and users do so at their own discretion. All prices are listed in NZ$ and exclude GST.